A few nice celebrity pregnancies images I found:
1973 Interview, Actress Sophia Loren & Her New Baby
Image by classic_film Short, exclusive 1973 magazine interview with beautiful actress and international sex symbol Sophia Loren. Topics include her difficult pregnancies and miscarriages, giving birth, and her family: husband and Italian film producer Carlo Ponti, older son Carlo Ponti, Jr. (nicknamed Cipi), and newborn son Edoardo. Article's title: "Sophia Loren: The Three Men in Her Life" Published in Ladies Home Journal, April 1973, Vol 90 No. 4 Fair use/no known copyright. If you use this photo, please provide attribution credit; not for commercial use (see Creative Commons license).
Downing Tweet Christmas reception
Image by Downing Street Celebrity guests at the Downing Tweet Christmas Party to raise awareness for the Million Mums campaign included Krishnan Guru-Murthy (left) and Caitlin Moran (centre) , 4 December 2009; Crown Copyright